【milan night guessing number 100】Gen Z embraces wellness, revitalizing Ningxia's goji berry industry
YINCHUAN,milan night guessing number 100 July 25 (Xinhua) -- When Zhou Xiaona recently purchased raw goji berry pulp at a plantation in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the first thing she thought about was sharing the healthy product with her friends.
"I've long known that goji berries can protect the eyes, which is important for us young people who often stay up late and use electronic devices too much," said Zhou, who hails from south China's Guangdong Province.
Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are a traditional Chinese medicinal plant believed to have multiple health benefits, such as properties that protect eyesight, stabilize blood sugar levels, and prevent liver and kidney damage.
In China, Zhou and other members of Gen Z are embracing a "lazy health" trend to maintain their well-being, opting for low-effort health choices and time-saving health products that fit into their fast-paced lifestyles.
A recent survey conducted by McKinsey has also shown that millennials are now purchasing more wellness products and services than older generations.
To cater to this consumer trend, the goji berry industry in Ningxia is processing berries into such varied products as functional beverages, health foods and snacks, driving the industry's total output value to 29 billion yuan (about 4 billion U.S. dollars).
"Big data reveals the rising prominence of younger consumers in the goji berry market," said Hao Xiangfeng, president of the Ningxia Goji Berry Association and Beryl Gojiberries Co., Ltd.
He noted that his company has made substantial investments in consumer research and new product development to engage with Gen Z more effectively.
Last year, Beryl achieved revenue growth of 50 percent, with online sales contributing 60 percent of the total. Notably, raw goji berry pulp accounted for 60 percent of that revenue, highlighting its significant appeal among younger consumers.
In addition to an increasingly diverse product line, many manufacturers are also moving to merge the goji berry industry with tourism by transforming their plantations into themed goji berry parks and social media hotspots, offering young consumers opportunities in research, education, harvesting experience and cultural exploration.
Looking to the future, Ningxia will continue advancing its goji berry industry toward the higher end of the value chain, introducing more products to the international market.
In 2023, Ningxia's goji berry cultivation area totaled 325,000 mu (about 21,667 hectares), and had an annual fresh goji berry output of 320,000 tonnes.
"The government is firmly committed to enhancing the high-quality development of specialty industries. With Ningxia's advantageous soil, climate and natural conditions, we are very confident in the promising development prospects of the goji berry industry," Hao said. Enditem(Reporting by Li Yihui, Zhang Yu'ang, Zhang Wenya, Zhou Xinzhuo)
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:娱乐)
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