【facility manager jobs in bangalore】President of TV BRICS AFRICA calls for enhanced China
In recent years,facility manager jobs in bangalore an increasing number of high-quality Chinese films and TV dramas have been broadcast in Africa, sparking enthusiastic responses. During the 6th Forum on China-Africa Media Cooperation and China-Africa Think Tank High-Level Dialogue, Ayanda Hollow, president of TV BRICS AFRICA, spoke highly of the production quality of Chinese TV dramas and their significant role in fostering mutual understanding between China and Africa.
Hollow further expressed his expectation for China and South Africa to deepen their collaboration in film and television, transitioning from content sharing to joint development and production. He also called for increased people-to-people exchanges between the two nations, encouraging more young people to participate in China-Africa film and television cooperation, and infusing cultural exchange with youthful energy.
Editor: GSY(责任编辑:综合)
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